
    The Brushed Cotton Twill Cap offers modern styling and lasting comfort. 

    Color: Black
    Size: Adjustable



  • Out of Stock
    Hymn to Apollo Mug: Landscape
    *SOLD OUT*

    Léon Bakst
    Landscape with Shepherds, Set Design for Daphnis et Chloé(detail), 1911
    Watercolor on paper
    H. 33.3 cm; W. 50.2 cm.
    Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Sir Joseph Duveen, 1922: 22.226.2
    Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art
    Image source: Art Resource, NY



  • Out of Stock
    Ishtar Gate Post Card: Bricks with a Protective Bull-Man
    *SOLD OUT*

    Bricks with a protective bull-man and cuneiform inscription.
    Middle Elamite Period, Shutrukid Dynasty (reign of Kutir-Nahhunte and Shilhak-Inshushinak, ca. 1150–1120 BCE).
    Molded baked clay.
    Susa, Iran.
    H. 139 cm; W. 36 cm; D. 33 cm.
    Musée du Louvre, Paris, Département des Antiquités orientales: Sb 21960.
    Photo: Franck Raux. © RMN-Grand Palais / Art Resource, NY.



  • Vessel
    New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, ca. 1400–1300 BCE
    Core-formed, trail-decorated, and tooled glass with applied decoration
    Probably Egypt
    H. 10.7 cm; Diam. max. 5 cm.
    The Corning Museum of Glass: 66.1.213
    Collection of The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, NY



  • Out of Stock
    Ishtar Gate Watercolor Mug
    *SOLD OUT*

    Walter Andrae.
    Partial reconstruction of the throne room façade from Nebuchadnezzar II’s Southern Palace showing fitters’marks on bricks (detail).
    1901 CE.
    Watercolor on paper.
    H. 31.6 cm; W. 70.6 cm.
    Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft, Berlin: ArDOG V.28.18.
    © Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft, Archiv;
    Photographer Olaf M. Teßmer.



  • Shahnamah
    Iskandar Encounters the Angel Israfil (detail)
    Author: Abu al-Qasim Firdausi (940–1019 or 1025)
    Copyist: Muhammad al-Katib al-Qiwam Shirazi
    Language: Persian
    Ink, opaque watercolor, and gold on paper
    folio: H. 45.2 cm; W. 30.2 cm. Probably Turkey, 1562–1583
    Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Purchase—Smithsonian Unrestricted Trust Funds, Smithsonian Collections Acquisition Program, and Dr. Arthur M. Sackler: S1986.256



  • Out of Stock
    Romance and Reason Postcard: Alexander the Great (A)
    *SOLD OUT*

    Alexander the Great (356–323 BCE).
    H. 8.9 cm; W. 5.1 cm; D. 3.8 cm.
    Africa (?), 100 BCE–100 CE.
    Brooklyn Museum, Charles Edwin Wilbour Fund: 54.162.
    Photo: Brooklyn Museum, by Gavin Ashworth.

