Rights & Reproductions

Reproductions of objects in the Museum’s collections may be licensed for personal, scholarly, or commercial uses.  Availability for reproduction is determined by condition, copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property rights. 

Each request is separately considered, and permission is granted on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of the Museum.  Fees apply depending on the type and nature of the intended use. To use any of the Museum's images for commercial use, publication, broadcast, documentary, or for any purpose other than fair use as defined by law, you must request and receive prior written permission from the museum.  

To obtain permission for image reproductions or to request digital files in specific sizes and formats please contact:

Rights and Reproductions Department
The William Benton Museum of Art
University of Connecticut
345 Glenbrook Road, U-3140
Storrs, CT 06269

Once you have obtained permission and signed the use agreement you may pay here.

  • Licensing Fee for digital reproductions of objects in the Museum's Collections for academic or personal use.



  • Licensing Fee for digital reproductions of objects in the Museum's Collections for commercial uses.



  • Fee for high resolution professional photograph of the image licensed for use.

