Brown Stadium Appeal

Did you know Brown Stadium was originally erected as a Works Progress Administration project for $45,000 in 1938, and stood across the bayou as home to the football team for nearly three decades? As the campus expanded, the university relocated the steel-frame structure to its current location in 1967.

Through the years, maintenance to the stadium has continued. As recently as 2017, both Brown Stadium and Groseclose Track were renovated. These renovations have created opportunities for alumni support to assist with the continued enhancements to the Soccer and Track and Field and Programs and include:
Team Media Room Seats (30) - With 30 media style seats available, there is an opportunity for you or your family member to designate a seat in memory or honor of someone.
Equipment – Sports equipment and facilities required for athlete’s to perform at their best of abilities.
Operations – Increase financial operating budget that allows athletes priority for scholarships, recruitment and retention, increased ticket sales, travel expenses, etc.
Nutrition – Essential for supporting an athlete’s general health and training needs to improve performance.

$250 to name a seat
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