First Floor (Mon-Fri Business hrs ~ 8:00 am to 5:00 pm) 1 Day (8 hours) $1,000 Holds @ 225 people Includes Classrooms A & B, Exhibit Hall, and Lobby

(Mon-Fri Business hrs ~ 8:00 am to 5:00 pm): WiFi, 12 data/cable outlets, 56 electrical outlets, built-in projection screen, sink w/water, countertops, refrigerator, microwave, and cabinets.

Additional Equipment Available for Rental (options will be available after room is added to cart)

Ceiling-Mounted LCD 2D Projector: Canon Multimedia Projector X600 (Will need laptop computer with a VGA port.)
Ceiling-mounted LCD 3D projector Mitsubishi Home Theater Projector Model HC8000D (for Classroom B or Classrooms A&B combined) Will need laptop computer with an HDMI port.
Samsung Blu-Ray Disc Player Model BD-E6500 (for use only with the Mitsubishi projector in Classroom B or Classrooms A&B combined)
Portable LCD Projector: InFocus Model LP250; Canon Multimedia Projector X600
Portable Projection White Screen: 78.5” high x 81.5” wide
Portable Projection Silver Screen: (for regular and 3D projection.) 50.5” high x 67” wide
Television: Panasonic Viera, Flat Plasma Screen (50” diagonal)
Flip Chart: (Can serve as a dry-erase board & easel. Markers included.) 30” high x 25” wide

