The first major publication series of the Survey was titled “Volume”. Between 1873 and 1904 nine numbers and an atlas of maps were produced. Each Volume consists of several in-depth technical reports on the geology of Michigan. The Volume series was bound in green cloth or leather with gold lettering. Paperbound separates of most of the reports were also available. Volumes were numbered with Roman numerals.
This product is the compilation of following documents:
Item # VL-I-I: Volume I, Part I, Iron-Bearing Rocks (Economic), T. B. Brooks, 1873 .
Major contents: Historical sketch of discovery and development; geological sketch of the Upper Peninsula; lithology (mineral composition and classification of rocks); geology of the Marquette Iron region).
Item # VL-I-II: Volume I, Part II, Copper District, R. Pumpelly, 1873.
Major contents: Age of the Copper bearing rocks; lithology of the Copper bearing rocks of Houghton county; on the paragenesis and derivation of Copper and its associates on Keweenaw point; correlation of the rocks of Houghton and Keweenaw counties; descriptive cross section, Portage Lake district; descriptive cross section in the central mine; general structure and lithology of the Eagle River section; descriptive cross section, Eagle River.
Item # VL-I-III: Volume I, Part III, Palaeozoic Rocks, C. Rominger, 1873.
Major contents: Geographical limits and surface configuration of the district; general preliminary remarks on geology; systematical enumeration and description of the strata composing the eastern portion of the upper peninsula of Michigan; superficial deposits; Bog Iron ore of the Upper Peninsula; magnetic iron ore sand; Helderberg group; Onondaga salt group; Niagara group; chemical analyses of different rocks specimens from the Niagara group; Clinton group; Hudson River on Cincinnati group; Trenton group; Chazy limestone and calciferous formation; Lake superior sandstone; Encampement D’ours; Sugar island; sandstone of St. Mary; Sandstone of the Taquamenon River; Grand Island bay; Laughing Whitefish River; Sandstones of Marquette; Presque Isle; Sandstone at Granite point.
Item # VL-II: Volume II, Iron-Bearing Rocks (Economic), T. B. Brooks, A. A. Julien, 1873.
Major contents: Calcareous rocks; Simple rocks (quartzose, Silicate,Iron ore, carbonaceous rocks); mixed crystalline rocks, older Feldspathic rocks, Orthoclase rocks (Granite); Plagioclase rocks (Gneiss, Mica Schist, Greenstones, Trapean diorite; Dioryte- aphanite, sandstone schist).
Item # VL-III-I: Volume III, Part I, Lower Peninsula 1873-1876, Geology, C. Rominger, 1876.
Major contents: Geographical position and surface configuration of Lower Peninsula; Paleozoic rock series; Helderberg group; Hamilton group; Black Shales of Ohio; Waverly group; carboniferous limestone; coal measures; observation of the Ontonagon silver-mining and the slate quarries of Huron bay; report of the salt manufacture of Michigan.
Item # VL-III-II: Volume III, Part II, Lower Peninsula 1873-1876, Paleontology- Corals, C. Rominger, 1876.
Major contents: Paleontology; corals; Milleporide; Columnarie; Cyathophyllide.
Item # VL-IV-I: Volume IV, Part I, Upper Peninsula 1878-1880, Marquette Iron Region, C. Rominger, 1881.
Major contents: General topography; Granitic group; Dioritic group; Quartzite group; Iron group; Arenaceous Slate group; Mica Schist group; Serpentine group; Eruptive dykes; Fissure veins.
Item # VL-IV-II: Volume IV, Part II, Upper Peninsula 1878-1880, Menominee Iron Region, C. Rominger, 1881.
Major contents: Menominee Iron region geology.
Item # VL-V-I: Volume V, Part I, Geological Report on the Upper Peninsula, Iron and Copper Regions, C.Rominger, 1895.
Major contents: Granitic group; Dioritic group; Iron ore group; Arenaceous Slate group; Mica Schist formation; Keweenaw group.
Item # VL-V-II: Volume V, Part II, Geological Report on Lower Peninsula, A. C. Lane, L. L. Hubbard, 1895.
Major contents: Origin of salt, gypsum and petroleum; the geological formation of the lower peninsula and their economic products; local descriptions.
Item # VL-VI-I: Volume VI, Part I, Upper Peninsula 1893-1897, Geological Report Isle Royale, Michigan, Lower A. C. Lane, 1900.
Major contents: Historical introduction; construction of cross section from drill records; the succession of rocks; the grain of rocks, application of theory (to Keweenawan rocks); Petrography; topography and quaternary geology; stratigraphy; chemical problems; diabases intrusive in the Huronian.
Item # VL-VI-II: Volume VI, Part II, Upper Peninsula 1893-1897, Keweenaw Point with Particular Reference to the Felsites and their Associated Rocks, Lucius L. Hubbard, 1900.
Major contents: Schlatter Lake area; Bare Hill area; other occurrences of Acid rocks; Acid rocks of the Portage Lake area; recent work near Portage Lake area; appendix: the crystallization of the calcite from the copper mines of Lake Superior.
Item # VL-VII-I: Volume VII, Part I, Lower Peninsula 1896-1900, Geological Report on Monroe County, W. H. Sherzer, 1900.
Major contents: Geographical and historical introduction; Devonian and Quaternary; Silurian formations; quarries; physical geography; the glacial epoch in southeastern Michigan; soils and subsoils; economic products; minerals of Monroe county; fossils of Monroe county.
Item # VL-VII-II: Volume VII, Part II, Lower Peninsula 1896-1900, Geological Report on Huron County, A. C. Lane, 1900.
Major contents: Geological column; physical geography of Huron county; formation of soils and subsoils (Pleistocene); stratigraphy, distribution and structure of the rocks; wells and borings; economic geology, or raw materials of the county; notes on minerals; botanical notes; the fossils.
Item # VL-VII-III: Volume VII, Part III, Lower Peninsula 1896-1900, Geological Report on Sanilac County, C. H. Gordon, 1900.
Major contents: Physiography; stratigraphy; economic geology.
> Item # VL-VIII-I: Volume VIII, Part I, Lower Peninsula, Clays and Shales of Michigan, Their Properties and Uses; H. Ries, 1900.
Major contents: properties of clay and shale; uses of clay and shale; testing methods, prospecting for clays, geology of shale, coal measure shale, Owosso under shale, Michigan series of shale; Coldwater Shale; Devonian shale; Hamilton shale; Hudson river shale; Detroit clays.
Item # VL-VIII-II: Volume VIII, Part II, Lower Peninsula, Coal of Michigan its Mode of Occurrence and Quality, A.C. Lane, 1902.
Major contents: Origin of coal; occurrence of coal; analyses and the tests of coal; erosion and disturbance of coal; the development of coal; development and borings arranged by counties.
Item # VL-VIII-III: Volume VIII, Part III, Lower Peninsula, Marl (Bog lime) and its Application to the Manufacture of Portland Cement, D.J. Hale, 1903.
Major contents: Uses of Marl; the use of marl for cement manufacture; theories of origin of bog lime or marl; contribution to the natural history of marl; record of field work.
Item # VL-IX-I: Volume IX, Part I, The Delta of the St. Clair River, L J. Cole, 1903.
Major contents: Growth of the delta, sources of the materials; deposition of sediment and formation of islands; the Clinton river delta; economic importance; chart showing principal surface currents in Lake Huron; diagram of probable section through borings; Northern half of Lake st. Clair and St Clair Flats; diagram of borings made at St. Clair Flats and along the Clinton river; map of portion of the flats on the Chenel about Rond showing special features of delta formation.
Item # VL-IX-II: Volume IX, Part II, The Gypsum of Michigan and The Plaster Industry, G.P. Grimsley, 1904.
Major Contents: Gypsum in other countries and states; history of gypsum industry; geology and topography of Michigan Series Gypsum; gypsum deposits of St. Ignace; mines and mills; technology of gypsum and plasters; chemistry (Payen’s and Chatelier’s experiments); physical examination; origin; gypsum as fertilizer; uses.
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