Bulletins are comprehensive reports, usually technical in nature, though some are prepared in a more popular style. This series began publication in 1964. New numbers are issued occasionally.
This product is the compilation of following documents:
Item # BU-01: Bulletin 1: Our Rock Riches, R. W. Kelley, 1964.
Major contents: Sketch of Michigan’s Geologic History; mineral resources and man; Boston and Keweenaw, an etching in Copper; economic environments of Michigan Copper industry; 800,000,000 tons of iron ore; beneficiated low grade iron ore, economic role of Michigan iron ores; Michigan’s mythical gold mines; cement and gypsum giants, bountiful brine; brine salt of the earth; gravel, common stuff; salt for a million years; limestone and dolomite; clay pipe; gypsum in Michigan; Michigan Sandstone; oil and gas producing formations in Michigan; history of exploration for oil and gas in Michigan; Scipio find brings boom; dead wells used for gas storage; Michigan coal basin.
Item # BU-02: Bulletin 2: Rocks and Minerals of Michigan, O. F. Poindexter, H. M. Martin, S. G. Bergquist, 1971.
Major Contents: Rocks and minerals (Igneous, Intrusive Igneous, Extrusive Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic, coal, petroleum, peat, water, soil, fossils, stones); rocks and minerals (a mineral tour, Michigan’s colorful minerals, gem minerals, meteorites, rocks, non-metallic minerals, glacial drift); how to identify rocks and minerals.
Item # BU-03: Bulletin 03: Michigan's Au Sable River - Today and Tomorrow, G. Hendrickson, 1966.
Major contents: Recreation, past and present; why the river is enjoyable (streamflow, natural controls of streamflow); changes on the Au Sable (population, water and land use); to preserve recreation values (streamflow controls, quality controls, bed and bank controls).
Item # BU-04: Bulletin 04: The Glacial Lakes around Michigan, W. R. Farrand, 1988.
Major contents: Was there a glacier; the ice advances, the ice front retreats; the lakes are born, Port Huron time; two creeks interval; last re-advance; Niagara falls; last sand of ice; postglacial lakes; the lakes today and tomorrow.
Item # BU-05: Bulletin 05: Meteorites of Michigan, V. Chamberlain, 1968.
Major contents: Fire in the sky (fireball of December 1965, fireball of September 1966); kinds of Meteorites (iron, stones); how to identify specimens (fusion crust, specific gravity, magnetism, examining interior, Nickel test, Chondrules); mineralogy (irons, stone)y; documented finds and falls in Michigan (Allegan, Grand Rapids, Iron River, Kalkaska, Michigan Iron, Reed City, rose City Seneca Township).
Item # BU-07: Bulletin 07: Subsurface Stratigraphy of Cambrian Rocks in the Southern Peninsula of Michigan: Michigan Basin, R. L. Milstein, 1989.
Major contents: Stratigraphy (Lake Superior Group and Mt. Simon Sandstone); Munising formation (Eau Claire and Dresbach members); Trempealeau formation (St. Lawrence, Lodi, Jordan members); oil and natural gas; Michigan Basin and surrounding geologic structures, distribution of Upper Cambrian rocks in the Great Lakes region; evolution of Upper Cambrian nomenclature, map of total thickness of Cambrian in Southern Michigan; Precambrian test wells, thickness map of Mt. Simon, Eau Claire, Dresbach, Franconia, Trempealeau formation; paleogeological map of Southern Michigan, structure contour map of Precambrian surface, generalized cross-section of Late Cambrian sediments.
Item # BU-08: Bulletin 08: Stratigraphic Lexicon for Michigan, P. A. Catacosinos, 2001.
Major contents: stratigraphic problems in Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Mississippian, Jurassic; compilation of stratigraphic nomenclature; chart of stratigraphic nomenclature for Michigan.
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