Contribution to Michigan Geology

This product is the compilation of following documents :

Item # CM-90-01: Contribution to Michigan Geology 90-01: Precambrian Geology of the Penny Lake Area, Marquette Greenstone, J. R. Small and T. J. Bornhorst, 1990.

Contents: Precambrian geologic setting, volcanics of silver mine lakes, Gabbro of Clark Creek, Rhyolite origin, Rhyolite intrusive of Fire Center mine, Archean Plutonic Rocks (Gneiss, Granodiorite of Rocking Chair Lakes), Diorite), Quartz Veins, Proterozoic units (Michigamme formation, Keweenawan Diabase), attitude of bedding, folds, Metamorphism, Metamorphic facies within the Penny Lake, effects of Metamorphism on Basalt, mineralization, historical exploration activity, Gold assay data, anomalous areas and geologic history.

Item # CM-90-02: Contribution to Michigan Geology 90-2: Reconnaissance Evaluation of Platinum-Group Elements in Selected Precambrian Rocks of the Western Upper Peninsula, Michigan, T. J. Bornhorst and D. A. Baxter, 1990.

The abundance of platinum and palladium was determined in selected Precambrian rocks exposed in the western Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Mafic to ultramafic igneous rocks were emphasized because of their higher potential to host platinum- group clement mineral resources. No highly anomalous platinum or palladium were indicated from 58 samples collected throughout the western Upper Peninsula. Since anomalous concentrations and deposits of platinum-group elements are expected to occur in difficult to detect zones, it would have been surprising if a significant anomaly would have been located by this study.

Item # CM-90-04: Contribution to Michigan Geology 90-04: Port Huron Study, Historical Development of Hydrocarbons and Subsequent Problems; W. Danyluk.

Port Huron could easily lay claim to the fact that it gave birth to the oil and gas industry in Michigan. Commercial oil and gas activity in the Port Huron area began with the discovery, drilling for, and production of hydrocarbons in 1886. At the same time, natural brine and salt (solution mining) wells were drilled on both sides of the St. Clair River to provide raw materials for the growing chemical industry. The situation became more serious when problems began to appear in Sarnia in 1966, and Port Huron in 1967 when old unrecorded and unplugged (or improperly plugged) wells began to leak or flow fluids and gas.

Item # CM-92-01: Contribution to Michigan Geology 92-01: Michigan's Copper Country, E. W. Courter, 1992.

Contents: Keweenaw Peninsula, Primitive Miners, Copper Country, legend of Ontonagon Copper Boulder, Copper Rush, Pioneer Mining Companies, Portage Lake District, civil war times, beginning of the Calumet and Hecla, strike of 1913.

Item # CM-94-01: Contribution to Michigan Geology 94-01: Michilogic Time Line, Midwest Mineralogical and Lapidary Society, 1994.

Contents: Geologic time, fossils, illustration of Proterozoic or Precambrian, Cambrian, Ordovician fossils, Silurian fossils, Devonian, Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary fossils.

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