The series Annual Report contains not only the annual report of the State Geologist, but also a number of signed and unsigned articles relating to Michigan geology. Later the State Geologist’s reports were made biennially and were published as a part of the Publication series.
The earliest reports of the Michigan Geological Survey under Douglass Houghton were made directly to the State Legislature. They were issued as 25 legislative documents in the House and Senate Journals of the Michigan Legislature between 1838 and 1844. The work which was completed following Houghton s death was similarly published in Joint Documents of the House and Senate in 1846.
This product is the compilation of following report :
Item # AR-1928: Geological Reports of Douglass Houghton, First State Geologist of Michigan, 1837-1845, G. N. Fuller, 1928.
Contents: Importance of Houghton’s work, first Michigan geological expedition, Lake Superior in 1840, Geological reports from 1837 to 1846, map of Calhoun, Jackson, Lenawee, Washtenaw Counties, and geological section near Saginaw Bay.
Item # AR-1838: Report of the State Geologist 1838 [House No. 14], Douglass Houghton, 1838.
Major contents: Upper sandstone of the peninsula, Lower Sandstone or Graywack group, Grey Limestone, Coal, Gypsum, Brine springs, clay, sand, marl, mineral springs, Bog iron ore.
Item # AR-1839: Annual Report of the State Geologist 1839 [House No. 23], Douglass Houghton, 1839.
Major contents: Upper Peninsula, Lower Peninsula, salt springs and slate salt lands, zoological and botanical departments, collection for the state university, topographical department and reports of the geological assistants.
Item # AR-1840: Annual Report of the State Geologist 1840 [House No. 8], Douglass Houghton, 1840.
Major contents: General geology of Upper Peninsula and Lower Peninsula.
Item # AR-1841A: Annual Report of the State Geologist 1841 [House No. 11], Douglass Houghton, 1841.
Major contents: general geology of Upper Peninsula, economic geology, progress and condition of the survey, general geology of Northern portion of Lower Peninsula, general geology of organized counties of Michigan
Item # AR-1841B: Annual Report of the State Geologist 1841 [House No. 27], Douglass Houghton, 1841.
Major contents: General geology of Upper Peninsula, economic geology, progress and condition of the survey, Northern portion of the Lower Peninsula, rocks of Lake Huron, rocks of Lake Michigan and general geology of the organized counties of Michigan.
Item # AR-1842: Annual Report of the State Geologist 1842 [House No. 14], Douglass Houghton, 1842.
This is the three page document where the State Geologist, Douglass Houghton explained the achievement and responsibilities of the survey.
Item # AR-1843: Annual Report of the State Geologist 1843 [Senate No. 8], Douglass Houghton, 1843.
This is the two page document where the State Geologist, Douglass Houghton explained the achievement and responsibilities of the survey.
Item # AR-1846: The Mineral Region of Lake Superior: Compiling Its Early History, J. Houghton, 1846.
Very poor quality scanned version, difficult to read.
Item # AR-1850: Geological Report on the Copper Lands of Lake Superior Land District, Michigan, J. W. Foster, J. D. Whitney, 1850.
Contents: Physical geography, geology of the copper region, stratified and sedimentary rocks, ancient mining, veins and veinstones, metallurgy, drift of the Lake Superior land district and drift of the sand region.
Item # AR-1877: First Annual Report of the Commissioner of Mineral Statistics of the State of Michigan, for 1877-1878 and Previous Years, C. E. Wright, 1879.
This report includes the following topics: the geology of the lake superior iron region: general historical sketch of the iron region; iron mines; Lakes Superior Copper mining industry: Lake Superior Brown stone; Ganister or Quartzite, Marble, Gypsum and Michigan salt, and Iron river silver project.
Item # AR-1884: Annual Report of the Commissioner of Mineral Statistics of the State Of Michigan, 1884, A. P. Swineford, 1885.
It contains the annual report and statistics of Copper produced by the mines of Michigan and Iron ores shipped from the Lake Superior Iron Mines from 1854 to 1884.
Item # AR-1891: Mine and Mineral Statistics for 1891, C. D. Lawton, 1891.
It contains statistics for minerals such as Iron, Copper, Coal, Gypsum, Salt, Slate, Stone and Gold.
Item # AR-1901: Annual Report of the State Geologist Report of the State Board of Geological Survey of Michigan for the Year 1901, A. C. Lane, 1902.
It includes the preliminary report on the Gypsum deposits of Michigan, mines and mills in Michigan, field and laboratory tests of Bay County water.
Item # AR-1902: Annual Report of the State Geologist Report of the State Board of Geological Survey of Michigan for the Year 1902.
It contains the geologic report of Tuscola, Bay, Arenac, Alcona, Kent Counties.
Item # AR-1903: Annual Report of the State Geologist Report of the State Board of Geological Survey of Michigan for the Year 1903, A. C. Lane, 1905.
This report discusses the relation of soils to natural vegetation in Roscommon and Crawford counties, and reports the progress in the Porcupines. The water supply of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan includes the following topics: artesian well; springs; non-flowing wells; topography, water supply and water power of Lenawee, Hillsdale, Branch, St. Joseph and Cass Counties.
Item # AR-1904: Annual Report of the State Geologist Report of the State Board of Geological Survey of Michigan for the Year 1904, A. C. Lane, 1905.
The report discusses about the failure of the wells along the Lower Huron River and provides the geological reconnaissance along the north shores of lakes Huron.
Item # AR-1905: Annual Report of the State Geologist Report of the State Board of Geological Survey of Michigan for the Year 1905, A. C. Lane, 1906.
This report is about an ecological survey of Northern Michigan. It contains the following broad topics: the ecological survey in the Porcupine Mountains and Isle Royale; ecological distribution of the birds in the Porcupine Mountains (Lake Superior Slope of the First Mountain Ridge, Carp River Valley, Hardwood Forest South of Carp River and Little Card River Valley) and ecological relations of the Orthoptera in the Porcupine Mountains.
Item # AR-1906: Annual Report of the State Geologist Report of the State Board of Geological Survey of Michigan for the Year 1906, A. C. Lane, 1907.
This report includes the following topics: the peat essays on its origin; the surface geology of portion of Menominee, Dickinson and Iron Counties; geologic section from Bessemer Down Black River, and Crataegus in Southern Michigan. The reports accompanies the sketch map of the surface geology of Menominee, Dickinson and Iron, Counties; map of Bessemer and Black River Road; and the cross section of the Keweenawan Rocks as exposed between Bessemer and Lake Superior.
Item # AR-1907: Annual Report of the State Geologist Report of the State Board of Geological Survey of Michigan for the Year 1907, A. C. Lane, 1908.
The report discuss the following topics: Peat, Coal, Limestone, cement and lime resources in Michigan; requisite qualities of molding sands; life of sand; mineral composition of Quartz, clay, iron oxide and lime; physiography, geology and flora of the regions; aquatic insects of the lake; biological survey of the state; economic importance of surface geology; preglacial history; connection of surface deposits and soils and ice retreat from the northern highlands.
Item # AR-1908: Annual Report of the State Geologist Report of the State Board of Geological Survey of Michigan for the Year 1908, A. C. Lane, 1909.
The report contains the notes on the geological section of Michigan for geologist, teachers and drillers; geology of Tuscola County; the intrusive rock of Mount Bohemia; general geology of Keweenaw Point; geologic relation of Gabbro, Gabbro-Aplite and Ophites.
Item # AR-1909: An Ecological Survey of Isle Royale, Lake Superior 1908, C. C. Adams, 1909.
This report discusses the following topics: Royale as a biotic environment; ecological relations of invertebrate fauna of Isle Royale; the fall migration of birds at Washington Harbor, Isle Royale, Lake Superior; the ecological succession of birds; the Coleoptera of Isle Royale, Lake Superior and their Relation to the North American Centers of Dispersal; vegetation of Isle Royale; report on the Isle Royale Orthoptera of the 1905, Neuropteroid insects from Isle Royale; and Diptera of the 1905 University Museum Expedition to Isle Royale.
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