Open File Report

Open File Reports are unpublished reports, newsletters, field notes, and the like which are added to and subtracted from at various times. Some of the material is eventually published in other series.

This product is the compilation of following reports:

Open File Report: Structures Associated with the Albion-Scipio Oil Field Trend, G. D. Ells, 1962.

The oil and gas reservoir rocks of the Trenton-Black River formations are closely related to shallow synclines where fracturing and some degree of faulting has occurred. The unusual similarity and coincidence of structural features in Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, and Mississippian formations seem more than a chance association. The Trenton-Black River oil and gas fields of Michigan are related to the large regional structures that frame the southern margin of the Michigan Basin.

Item # OFR-77-2: Open File Report 77-2: Investigation of a Reported Copper-Silver Showing in Section 30, T50N, R26W, Marquette County, Michigan, 1977.

A geophysical and geological investigation of a reported copper-silver occurrence was conducted. The area investigated was confined to the NE1/4 section 30, T50N, R26W, Marquette County, Michigan. No mineralization was located which proved to be as rich as that indicated by early reports. The combined evidence, however, suggests that the area has the potential both structurally and geologically to host sulfide mineralization.

Item # OFR-78-3: Open File Report 78-3: Geological Study of Sand Deposits, Phase I, S. P. Sundeen, 1978.

Sandstone deposits, except for the already producing Sylvania formation, are too poorly exposed and too impure to be good glass sand sources. There do appear to be extensive areas in belts of glacial outwash which, based on preliminary data, contain sands which could be suitable substitutes for coastal dune sands.

Item # OFR-78-4: Open File Report 78-4: Geological Study of Sand Deposits, Phase II, S. P. Sundeen, 1978.

Glacial outwash sand areas in four northern Lower Michigan counties were selected for Phase II sampling and laboratory testing. More than adequate quantities of sand are present in each of the tested areas to support large operations for many years.

Item # OFR-78-5: Open File Report 78-5: Criteria and Methodology for assessing the Impact of Sand Dune Mining, Geological Survey, 1978.

The practical problem of assessing social impact is essentially one of both concept and technique. The solutions available for the problem of assessing social impact have been seen to be numerous but often unproven. Often times they are expensive, time consuming, and prohibitively difficult to apply.

Item # OFR-80-1: Open-File Report: 80-1 Gold in Michigan, References and Photocopies of Selected Out of Print Publication of the Michigan DNR Geological Survey Division, 1980.

It seems reasonable to expect renewed interest and activity in the Ishpeming Gold Range after the war, provided gold is in demand. A thorough geological and geophysical survey of this area, where no doubt additional veins remain undiscovered beneath the drift, would facilitate the determination of possibilities for gold and perhaps also molybdenum, tungsten, and non-metallic mineral production.

Item # OFR-81-1: Open File Report 81-1: Report Accompanying Ground Magnetic Map of Homer and Spring Arbor, W. A. Sauck, B. K. Parker, S. J. Hoin, 1981.

There is now magnetic evidence for a significant structural break in the Precambrian basement directly beneath the Albion-Scipio oil field. At least 3 linear anomaly trends are either truncated or offset in a left-lateral sense with apparent displacement of nearly three miles.

Item # OFR-81-2: Open File Report 81-2: Rare Earth and Related Elements in the Goodrich Quartzite, B. K. Parker, 1981.

Ten samples of Goodrich quartzite, collected from radioactive outcrops and glacial boulders in the Palmer Area, Marquette County, Michigan, were analyzed for the rare earth elements lanthanum to lutetium, thorium, and uranium.

Item # OFR-85-2: Open File Report 85-2: Geology and Precious Mineralization of the Fire Center, E. O. Owens, T. J. Bornhorst, 1985.

The bedrock geology of the Fire Center and Holyoke Mines area (about 3 km2) was mapped at a scale of 1:2,400 during the summer of 1984. All pre-Keweenawan rocks have been metamorphosed to greenschist facies. Mineralization in the area consists primarily of epigenetic veins and altered country rock, mostly associated with shear zones and banded iron formation.

Item # OFR-86-1: Open File Report 86-1: Detailed Geological Study of Three Precious Metal Prospects in Marquette County and One in Gogebic County, Michigan, C. L. Boben, T. J. Bornhorst, J. L. VanAlstine, 1986.

Three precious metal prospects in Marquette County, Michigan (Bjork Lundeen, Ford, and Peppin) were geologically mapped at a scale of 1:2400 to 1:1200. The mineralization at all three Marquette prospects is epigenetic. Anomalous concentrations of gold are hosted by pyrite-bearing quartz veins, and the localization of these veins is dependent on earlier formed structures.

Item # OFR-86-6: Open File Report 86-6: Patterns of Regional Subsurface Fluid Movement in the Michigan Basin, R. Vugrinovich, 1986.

Aquifers in rocks of the Saginaw Group (Pennsylvanian P1 aquifer), Marshall Sandstone (Mississippian M2 aquifer), Traverse Group (Devonian D3 aquifer), Dundee Limestone (Devonian D2 aquifer), and Detroit River Group (Devonian D1 aquifer) are regionally unconfined and that flow in these aquifers occurs in response to surface elevation differences. Nothing is known of hydraulic properties of the Keeweenawan clastic rocks that underlie the Mt. Simon in the Lower Peninsula.

Item # OFR-87-4: Open File Report 87-4: Geologic Setting of Precious Metal Mineralization, R. C. Johnson, T. J. Bornhorst, J. L. VanAlstine, 1987.

A 10 square mile area northwest of Marquette, Michigan was geologically mapped at a scale of 1:6,000. The mapped area includes sections 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, and 25 of T. 49 N., R. 28 W. The Silver Creek Prospect and many old exploration trenches are located within the area. The structure, alteration, rock types, and numerous quartz veins make the Silver Creek to Island Lake Area favorable for precious metals.

Item # OFR-87-6: Open File Report 87-6: Cobalt, Nickel, and Vanadium Contents of Pyrite Concentrates, T. J. Bornhorst, 1987.

This open file report is an extension of the work of Trow (1979, DNR Open-File Report) and specifically deals with pyrites in the approximately 2 b. y. old Michigamme Formation in northern Michigan. The Michigamme Formation is composed of mostly slate and argillite with lesser amounts of intercalated graywacke, iron formation, ashbed (volcanogenic) and quartzite.

Item # OFR-87-8: Open File Report 87-8: Geology, Structure, and Associated Precious Metal Mineralization, D. A. Baxter, T. J. Bornhorst, J. L. VanAlstine, 1987.

The bedrock geology of an 8 square mile area northwest of Marquette, Michigan was mapped at a scale of 1:6000. The area of map coverage includes all of sections 19, 20, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, and 34, and the extreme southwest part of section 27, T49N, R27W. The region lies within the Marquette Greenstone Belt in the northern portion of Marquette County.

Item # OFR-88-2: Open File Report 88-2: Manganese Investigation in Keweenaw County, Michigan, A. R. Blaske, T. J. Bornhorst, A. M. Johnson, G. E. Rantti, R. C. Reed, 1988.

Geological, geochemical, mineralogical and geophysical methods were used to investigate a manganese occurrence near Copper Harbor, Michigan, in Keweenaw County. Manganese oxides and silicates are present in calcite veins near the contact of the Portage Lake Lava Series and the overlying Copper Harbor Conglomerate. The deposits are small but very rich.

Item # OFR-89-2: Open File Report 89-2: Bedrock Geology of the Reany Lake Area, Marquette County, Michigan, M. L. MacLellan, T. J. Bornhorst, 1989.

During the summer of 1987, the bedrock geology of a 5 square mile area of the Marquette Greenstone Belt was mapped at a scale of 1:6000. This area includes Section 36, T49N, R27W, Section 31, T49N, R26W, Section 1, T48N, R27W, and Sections 6, 7, T48N, R26W. This study constitutes an eastward extension of previous mapping by Baxter (1988), Johnson (1987) and Owens (1986).

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