Summary of Operations is a brief summary of selected statistics for oil and gas operations for a calendar year period. These summaries were prepared from 1946 to 1962. Summary of operations from 1946 to 1952 and 1959 were not digitized.
This product is the compilation of following reports:
Item # SO-1953: Summary of Operations, Oil and Gas Fields, Geological Survey, 1953.
During the year, core testing declined greatly, permits were issued for 47 tests compared with 223 in 1952. Geophysical exploration, especially gravimeter, expanded considerably during the year. Forty-five deep wildcats were drilled in twenty-nine counties. Of these deep wildcats, three reached the Trenton or deeper beds, six stopped in the Cincinnatian, nineteen penetrated the Niagaran-Cataract Series, four were drilled to the Sylvania-Bois Blanc, eleven reached the Richfield, and two stopped in the Detroit River Formation. Results were the discovery of two Niagaran gas fields, three Richfield oil pools, and two Detroit River oil pools.
Item # SO-1954: Summary of Operations, Oil and Gas Fields, Geological Survey, 1954.
Forty-six deep wildcat wells were drilled in 23 counties. One well reached the Cambrian, five the Cambro-Ordovician, 22 the Trenton, three the Silurian, one the Bois Blanc, and 14 reached the Richfield. Results were the discovery of three new Trenton oil pools, the extension of one Trenton oil pool, the discovery of three Richfield oil pools and one Berea oil pool. It is significant that 33 of these deep wildcats were drilled in southeastern Michigan. Four of these 33 wells were successful and all produced from the Trenton-Black River.
Item # SO-1955: Summary of Operations, Oil and Gas Fields, Geological Survey, 1955.
Fifty-six important deep tests were drilled in 29 counties. Three wells reached the Cambrian, three the St, Peter, 19 the Trenton-Black River, one the Cincinnatian, three the Cataract, seven the Clinton, two the Niagaran, one the Salina, one the Bass Island, one the Bois Blanc, two the Sylvania, twelve the Detroit River-Richfield Zone, and one the Detroit River. Results were the discovery of two Basal Salina gas fields and one Basal Salina oil field in southeastern Michigan, and one Detroit River “new pay" in southwestern Michigan.
Item # SO-1956: Summary of Operations, Oil and Gas Fields, L. W. Price, 1956.
Very little geophysical exploration was done in 1956. Thirty important deep tests were drilled in 19 counties. Of these tests 2 reached the Cambrian, 3 the Trenton, 6 the Cataract, 3 the Clinton, 1 the Niagaran, 4 the Salina, 1 the Sylvania, 8 the Detroit River Richfield Zone, and 2 the Detroit River. The tests resulted in the discovery of 1 new Richfield oil field in Roscommon County, 1 deeper Richfield pool in Gladwin County, 2 deeper Salina pools and 1 Salina pool extension in Allegan County. As in the past, the majority of the deeper formation tests were concentrated in the southern part of Michigan and on the flanks of the Basin where the older formations are at a shallower depth.
Item # SO-1957: Summary of Operations, Oil and Gas Fields , L. W. Price, 1957.
The 150 exploratory wells drilled during the year resulted in nine new oil fields, two new gas fields, four extensions, and three new pools for a 12% success ratio. Only six geological test permits were issued during 1957. Thirty-seven important deep tests were drilled in 1957. Of these tests, three reached the Prairie du Chien, one the Glenwood, seven the Trenton-Black River, one the Cincinnatian, two the Cataract, one the Clinton, one the Upper Niagaran, eight the Salina, one the Bass Island, three the Bois Blanc, two the Sylvania, and seven the Detroit River. The tests resulted in the discovery of a Detroit River gas pool, a Detroit River oil pool, a Salina gas pool extension, and a new Trenton-Black River oil field. The success ratio for the deep tests was 10.9%.
Item # SO-1958: Summary of Operations, Oil and Gas Fields, L. W. Price, 1958.
Forty-four exploratory wells were classified as important deep tests in 1958. A formational breakdown of these tests in ascending order is as follows: six the Prairie du Chien, six the Trenton-Black River, four the Cincinnatian, ten the Clinton, nine the Niagaran, four the Salina, one the Bass Island, one the Bois Blanc, one the Sylvania, and two the lower Detroit River. The deep tests resulted in five discoveries, or a 3.3% success ratio.
Item # SO-1960: Summary of Operations, Oil and Gas Fields, L. W. Price, 1960.
Geophysical activity was at a fairly high rate throughout the year with most of the work being in the nature of gravity meter surveys. Some resistivity and magnetometer work was done. The greater amount of geophysical exploration was conducted in the southwestern and southeastern districts, although several gravity crews surveyed sections of the northern district and the northeastern part of the basin district.
Item # SO-1961: Summary of Operations, Oil and Gas Fields; L. W. Price, 1961.
The Silurian and older sediments played a very important part in the 1961 exploratory program. In ascending order, a breakdown of the wildcats by system is as follows: Precambrian 2, Cambrian 9, Ordovician 85, Silurian 98, Devonian and younger 123. The discoveries by system were: Ordovician 1, Silurian 14, Devonian and younger 11. The reported geophysical activity was down considerably from the previous year.
Item # SO-1962: Summary of Operations, Oil and Gas Fields; L. W. Price, 1962.
The Silurian and older sediments again played an important part in the exploratory program, but at a somewhat lesser degree than the previous year. In ascending order, a breakdown of the wildcats by systems is as follows: Precambrian 1, Cambrian 5, Ordovician 48, Silurian 106, Devonian and younger 134. The Discoveries by system were: Silurian 5, Devonian 8, and Mississippian 3. The reported geophysical activity was quite similar to the previous year.
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