SABS Online Front Desk

Would you like to make an online deposit of funds into your student organization’s bank account?  If so, please follow these steps:

1. You will need access to a personal bank account that has a "linked" Debit card.  Debit cards have a VISA or MasterCard logo on the card.

2. This process is for cash deposits only.

3. Deposit the funds into your "linked" personal bank account.

4. Once the funds have been deposited into the above referenced bank account, enter the deposit into the Student Organizations Marketplace.  To continue, click on the picture below: 

NOTE:  These directions are specifically for deposits made during the unprecedented and challenging time of the COVID-19 social distancing.  SABS does not endorse treasurers comingling their own money with their organization’s funds through a personal account.  This process is an exception due to the pandemic, which will be discontinued once we re-open our banking office.