4-H Chick Chain -- Hamblen County

4-H Poultry Project (Chick Chain)

6 Black Sex Link Pullets        $20
12 Black Sex Link Pullets      $35
6 Buff Orpington Pullets      $20
12 Buff Orpington Pullets    $35

You will provide your chicks/pullets with shelter, water and feed them a balanced ration.  You should keep good records of the project until the chicks/pullets are sold.  At the end of the project you will bring 3 pullets (if you purchased 6) or 6 pullets (if you purchased 12) to the Hamblen County 4-H Pountry Show at the Hamblen County Great Smoky Mountains Fair on July 12.  After participation in the show, you will receive premium money for showing and completing your project book.

For more information, please contact Mannie Bedwell at ebedwell@utk.edu or Elizabeth Hobbs at edoan@utk.edu.


Prices range from $20.00 to $35.00 (price depends on options selected)