Spanish II Test Out Fee

Students expecting to test out of a course should not enroll in the course. The student must be enrolled at Northwest, however, for the period during which the test-out is administered and credit is awarded. The student must apply for test-out with the Department of Language, Literature and Writing chairperson/school director. The chairperson or director determines what courses are available for test-out and will arrange for the test-out process in accordance with department/school policy. Where a test-out will result in schedule changes, the entire test-out process should be completed a week before the add deadline, two weeks before the enrollment deadline. Test-out may not be taken to supersede a "C," “D” or “F” grade. Test-out may be repeated twice in eligible classes, subject to department/school approval, but a period of six months must elapse between testings. A letter grade of “A,” “B,” “C,” or “D” will be assigned. Students are required to pay this fee before the online exam will be proctored. Because the exam will be proctored in an online format, an additional application, Respondus Monitor, will need to be purchased and downloaded for $15 (payable to Respondus Monitor).

