Personal Growth & Enrichment

  • In this class you will experience the soft circular flowing movements of Kung Fu, unlike the hard linear movements of Karate. This will help increase your range of motion, flexibility, and health while learning powerful, practical, and effective self-defense techniques. The class will be held at the instructor's facility at 591 25 Road Suite A7, Grand Junction, CO 81505. (Entrance on Commerce Blvd). Students should wear loose clothing and socks to class.



  • Ba Duan Jin, or Eight Pieces of Silk Brocade, is one of the most popular Qigong sets for toning up the internal organs and improving overall health. It consists of eight simple exercises which coordinate the body, mind and breath of the practitioner, through movement, visualization and focus. Please wear comfortable clothing and shoes to move in.



  • This training is specially designed to provide your family the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively respond to and navigate an emergency situation. We will help you prepare for any perceivable dangers you and your family might encounter. Each of these trainings must have a video consultation completed prior to scheduling and final pricing, as this training is customized to you and your family's specific needs. Please contact us to set up the consultation at (970)255-2800.



  • In this class students will learn how to assess emergency situations, perform CPR, apply a tourniquet, and stop the bleeding from a variety of trauma wounds. These skills are an important toll in the inventory of any hiker, biker, outdoors enthusiast, as well as anyone who carries a firearm on them whether it would be for personal protection or in the line of duty. This class does NOT qualify for the Red Cross Certificate.



  • Do you ever feel sick of a belly that makes you look six months pregnant? Does it seem like you have so many food intolerances? Do you feel like you are out of control? You will learn how to develop strategies to enact real, lasting lifestyle. As a health coach I am here to help you get your life back on track.



  • Do you ever feel sick of a belly that makes you look six months pregnant? Does it seem like you have so many food intolerances? Do you feel like you are out of control? You will learn how to develop strategies to enact real, lasting lifestyle. As a health coach I am here to help you get your life back on track.



  • Scientists have learned how to precisely numerically, measure human stupidity and discovered how to predict it and thwart it! Students will learn the history of Human Stupidity, and using only basic arithmetic how to manage and prevent the almost incredible potential for damage stupid people present to their professional and personal lives. Students must bring their own sense of optimism to class.



  • Through this class you will learn a series of movements such as, tai chi, qi gong, and yoga, as well as, collection of NeuroMeditations, which aid in the reduction and management of stress. You will leave this class with tools you can take with you to practice whenever you are feeling stressed. Students will need to bring a stretching mat, water bottle, cushion, and wear comfortable clothes you can move and sit in easily.



  • This class is for anyone new to meditation or for the experienced meditator who wants to learn more about Focus Style of Meditation. Focus Meditations help many different issues an is the foundation of all other styles of meditation. Whether you want to sharpen your focus, decrease mind wandering, increase ability to interrupt the amygdala, or to lift you when you are in a depression. Students will need to bring a cushion, notebook, and pen/pencil.



  • This class will teach you about the felt sense and meditative tools to increase this in your life experiences. In addition to movement meditations, we will practice different styles of sitting meditation to develop and expand the felt sense. This class will show you how to listen to the information coming from your body, when you feel bothered by things but struggle to explain it. Students will need to bring a cushion, notebook, pen/pencil.



  • This is a class where you will learn the basics of Quiet Mind Meditation. This style of NeuroMeditation is designed to increase calm awareness and bring the mind into a quieter state. It is helpful for identifying issues for the hypervigilant minds, sleep issues, anxiety, ptsd, chronic stress, and other issues. We will practice a few different ways to achieve this state and students will leave with tools for further practice on their own. Students will need to bring a notebook and a pen/pencil.



  • Setting up and running your own website is free and easy, as a listing on Google Maps. Learn how to develop 3-D tours of your business, interactive ad campaigns, utlize technology to facilitate word of mouth referrals, and how to construct a viral and collaborative marketing campaign.Students will also learn how to utlize AI for appointment settings, customer interactions and more.



  • Reconnect with your true self and learn how to prioritize your desires amidst other's needs. Through a journey of self-discovery, you'll identify and change habits impacting your energy, health, and happiness, while uncovering the four pillars of holistic health and the power of prevention. Leave equipped with simple tools to elevate your energy, uplift your spirit, and embrace a brighter, more authentic version of yourself.



  • High blood pressure is also known as hypertension. Medical professionals call it the Silent Killer because it can go undetected for a long period of time and leads to death. Learn how to take control and reverse heart problems.

