Gregory Page - Motifs from ISU Greenhouse Selections I
Gregory Page - Motifs from ISU Greenhouse Selections II
Gregory Page - Motifs from ISU Greenhouse Selections III
Matthew Day Perez – Always After
John Phillips - Miss Froggie
Peter Plagens - The Print That Changed the World
Rudy Pozzatti - Geryon
Rudy Pozzatti - Golden Apples of the Hesperides
Rudy Pozzatti - The Great Boar
Rudy Pozzatti - Hercules
Rudy Pozzatti - Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons
Rudy Pozzatti - Nine Headed Hydra
Rudy Pozzatti - Stymphalian Birds (framed)
Rosanne Retz - Bloom
Richard Rezac - untitled
Mark E. Ritchie - Earth & Air I
Mark E. Ritchie - Earth & Air II
Michael Rothenstein - Anna Succione, Version II, Small Format
Rosalyn Schwartz - Magenta Series
Rosalyn Schwartz - Magenta Series F.B.
Archana Shekara - Shanthi
Lorraine Shemesh - Tethered
Larry Shineman - Sacramento
Laura Splan - Squint
Larry Stark - I-794, Milwaukee
C. Louis Steinburg - Fall Reflections
Olivia Valentine - Goose Island
Jason Walker - Tomber
Jaimie Warren-Tarot Deck #1, "The Dream Master" (flat version)
Jaimie Warren-Tarot Deck #1, "The Dream Master" (cut into cards version)
Jaimie Warren-Tarot Deck #1, "The Dream Master" (print and cards set)
Ian Weaver - "Untitled (HULL)"
Robert Weaver - Bat
Brittney Denham Whisonant - Namesake #2
John Whitesell - Circus
Michael Wille - untitled (Rome Series)