GWSPH Summer Institute Courses for No Credit

GW Summer Institute Program Courses Available:
  1. PUBH 6420 Understanding commercial determinants of health 
  2. PUBH 6699 Topics in life cycle nutrition
  3. PUBH 6421 Responsible conduct of research
  4. PUBH 6299 Reproductive epidemiology
  5. PUBH 6422 Injury and Global Public Health
  6. PUBH 6499 Accountability and Ethics in Humanitarian and Disaster Settings
  7. PUBH 6299 Perinatal epidemiology
  8. PUBH 6423 Ethics in public health practice and policy
  9. PUBH 6499 Preparation and Response to Epidemic, Pandemic, Mass Health
  10. PUBH 6399 Lessons learned from Latin American social medicine for the US health system

