The Vietnam Typescript

The Vietnam Typescript by William H. Clamurro

In 1969 William H. Clamurro was stationed in Vietnam as an unarmed A-1-0 combat medic. He captured his time there as poems in a small field notebook.

When he returned to the US he transcribed those poems on a cheap typewriter and hid them away in a box, where they have remained until now.

The Vietnam Typescript faithfully reproduces Clamurro’s original manuscript, complete with editing marks, and includes the author’s thoughts on the war and his experiences there.

Paperback book

Non-Fiction, Memoir, Poetry
ISBN 9781878325303
86 pages

$12.95 + shipping (& tax where applicable)

Live in Emporia?You can also stop by the Reichardt Center at ESU (Plumb Hall 304) to pick up a copy to avoid shipping costs!

