Parking Permit Fee Resident Students

By purchasing a parking permit, I acknowledge that this registration authorizes me to park and operate a motor vehicle on campus. I further certify that I possess a valid driver's license in good standing. I agree to abide with the Bryant University parking and traffic regulations, and I assume responsibility for knowing them. I am aware that I must affix my issued decal to the lower left-hand corner of my windshield. I am aware that violation of said regulations may result in enforcement action which may include monetary fines levied against me and authorized payroll deductions for payment of outstanding parking fines if not paid by me within 60 days. I also acknowledge that my privileges to park and operate a vehicle on campus may be suspended. I acknowledge that I will park and drive on campus "at my own risk" and that Bryant University assumes no responsibility for any damage or theft of vehicle or any article within a parked or driven vehicle on campus.

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