Quality Assurance CD

Welcome to Teaching Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the College Laboratory, a web-based module. The purpose of this CD is to provide instructions on teaching Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the College Laboratory. We developed this module in response to the bioscience industry standards that require employees to know how to run a safe lab, maintain accurate documentation and use well-designed processes. These standards help ensure that quality products are generated in a safe environment. During the ten years we have been teaching biotechnology at Austin Community College, we have found the best way to teach the standards of quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) is two-fold. First, we present the principles and then we embed them into the student labs. This is the approach we have taken with this CD.

We have divided this module into six sections. Section I is an introduction to the module, including ways it may be used by both teachers and their students. Section II is a teaching module that covers the principles of QA and QC in seven chapters with assessments. In Section III, case studies show how important QA and QC are to the industry. Section IV is a virtual tour of a company in Austin called Ambion. Section V gives ways to incorporate QA and QC into the college lab, and section VI has downloadable assessments and other supplementary materials. We recommend that the module be completed sequentially. Price includes shipping.

