Chelsie Sargent, Self-Care and the Church Leader

As a church leader, you’ve experienced firsthand the joys and challenges of congregational life. You signed up for the beauty and potential of a gathered faith community. As for the perplexities and hardships? Not so much, though you knew it came with the territory. As contemporary society forges onward in extraordinary and hurried change, churches are neither immune nor secluded from such seismic shifts, which certainly contribute questions and uncertainties to the church at large. Through it all, how are you as a leader taking care of your own spirit and your own heart, so that you can take care of others? How are you taking care of your team, whether ministers, volunteers, or eldership, who even more acutely feel the pressures and concerns? In this breakout session, Dr. Chelsie Sargent will explore the need for proactive and intentional self-care for church leaders.

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