Certificate Assembly Members - Dues and Fees

  • Fee assessed annually. Entity must already be a member on record, accredited, and selected/assigned this plan. Plan includes annual allotment of UP TO 2,500 IFSAC numbered seals for entity certificates.



  • Entity must already be a member on record, accredited, and selected/assigned this plan. Entity certificates prepared by IFSAC on behalf of the entity. IFSAC numbered seal included with each certificate. Includes entry of certification record with seal number in the International Registry. $15 fee assessed for each certificate prepared.



  • Fee assessed annually. Entity must already be a member on record, accredited, and selected/assigned this plan. For accredited member entities issuing less than 104 certifications per year. An additional fee of $15 per certificate with IFSAC seal issued by the entity will be assessed at the end of the billing cycle. Includes entry into the International Registry of certifications and IFSAC seals issued. IFSAC numbered seals provided.



  • Entity must already be a member on record, accredited, and selected/assigned this plan. Annual assessment of number of certificates issued by entity within annual billing cycle. Includes: IFSAC numbered seals provided to entity; entries into International Registry. $15 per certificate.



  • Fee assessed annually. Entity must already be a member on record, accredited, and selected/assigned this plan. Plan includes annual allotment of UP TO 2,500 IFSAC numbered seals for entity certificates.



  • Entity must already be a member on record, accredited, and selected/assigned this plan. Entity certificates prepared by IFSAC on behalf of the entity. IFSAC numbered seal included with each certificate. Includes entry of certification record with seal number in the International Registry. $15 fee assessed for each certificate prepared.



  • Fee assessed annually. Entity must already be a member on record, accredited, and selected/assigned this plan. For accredited member entities issuing less than 104 certifications per year. An additional fee of $15 per certificate with IFSAC seal issued by the entity will be assessed at the end of the billing cycle. Includes entry into the International Registry of certifications and IFSAC seals issued. IFSAC numbered seals provided.



  • Entity must already be a member on record, accredited, and selected/assigned this plan. Annual assessment of number of certificates issued by entity within annual billing cycle. Includes: IFSAC numbered seals provided to entity; entries into International Registry. $15 per certificate.



  • Fee assessed annually. Entity must already be a voting member on record. This annual fee automatically applies to any member entity that has voting status, but is not accredited.



  • Fee assessed annually. Entity must already be a non-voting member on record. This annual fee automatically applies to any member entity that has non-voting status and is not accredited.



  • Fee assessed annually. Entity must already be a non-voting organizational member on record. A single representative for any national or international organization, whose membership consists primarily of individuals eligible for certification under any standard IFSAC may accredit to, or whose organization is responsible for the development of standards that may be used for certification.



  • Entity must already be a member on record, accredited, and selected/assigned membership plans CAVA1 or CANVA1. Additional IFSAC numbered seals for entity certification certificates requested over the initial annual allotment of 2500 allowed under Plan 1 for accredited entities. Seals are issued in rolls of 500. Additional seals are assessed $1 (USD) per seal over the amount of the original annual allotment provided with annual membership dues plan.



  • Entity must already be a voting or non-voting member on record and eligible for accreditation or re-accreditation. Application fee for accreditation/re-accreditation site visit.



  • Fee assessed for administrative review applications received from an accredited Certificate Assembly member. Administrative reviews are conducted for an accredited member that wishes to add a level of certification to its accreditation between site visits.



  • Fee assessed annually. CA corresponding membership includes any organization or entity who wishes to receive IFSAC mailings, notifications, or other related information until such time as they are ready to apply for membership under one of the other IFSAC member categories under Article 11.4 of the IFSAC Bylaws. This fee is assessed for those who have already submitted a Certificate Assembly Application for Membership. Membership fees are assessed annually.

