2025 Arts in Education Forum

                                                                     2025 ARTS IN EDUCATION FORUM

The SC Arts in Education Forum is a one-day event that invites leaders who influence and impact arts education in SC PK-12 education to:
  • Explore research connecting arts learning to student development, featuring John Spencer, author of Vintage Innovation and the A.I. Roadmap
  • Discover and learn about innovative initiatives, opportunites, policies, and practices
  • Engage and connect with one another to improve the educational experience for all SC students

When:                               January 24, 2025
                                          9:30 am - 3:30 pm

Where:                              Cooperative Conference Center
                                          169 Laurelhurst Avenue
                                          Columbia, SC 29210

Registration Fee:             $35

                                          Register by January 10.

With your $35 registration fee, you will receive two book titles (Vintage Innovations and the A.I. Roadmap) and lunch will be provided.

Need a hotel for the night of January 23, 2025?

Arts in Education Forum has secured a discounted rate of just $124/night at:

Hampton Inn on the Lake at Harbison
101 Woodcross Drive
Columbia, SC
Use this booking link to make your reservation
For more information, visit their website at Hampton Inn
We look forward to the conversation.

ABC Institute is an Arts Grow SC collective network partner. ABC is funded in part by the South Carolina Arts Commission, which receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts.


