Mechanical Monday

Title: Mechanical Monday
When: Mondays
Dates: 3/31-5/5
Time: 4:30-6:00pm 
Fee: $50 
Ages: 12-14
Registration Deadline: 3/26

Mechanical Monday provides 7 hands-on engineering challenges. It is designed to help students build confidence in their ability to create something useful from raw materials. Each week students will learn principles of mechanical engineering. Some of our challenges include building miniature catapults, bridges, and mousetrap-powered cars. All projects will be crafted from household objects and all designs engineered from the student's mind, giving them the opportunity to grow their creative problem-solving skills through a little Monday mayhem.

Photo Release Agreement
Participants in WSU/Tech Threads events are sometimes photographed and videotaped for use in WSU/Tech Threads promotional and educational materials. I authorize WSU/Tech Threads to record and photograph my image and/or that of my child for use by WSU/Tech Threads or its assignees in research, educational and promotional programs. I understand these audio, video, film and/or print images may be edited, duplicated, distributed, reproduced, broadcast, and/or reformatted in any form and manner without payment of fees.

