Art Day 2024

Art Day
Saturday, November 9th, 2024

9:00 - 9:30 a.m. Check-In & Refreshments (Pick up packets)
Main Art Building, Room 111
9:30 - 9:45 a.m. Welcome (Courtesy of Dr. Carpenter)
Join Dr. Carpenter as she welcomes participants to the Department of Art

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Morning Workshops
1. Light and Heat Workshop | Christy Wittmer and Leigh Merrill
WTFA 116 Limit: 10

We will use both light and heat to create art in this two-part workshop. In the Ceramics studio you will learn the traditional Japanese method of firing called Raku. You will be given a ceramic plate to decorate with glaze and load into the kiln. While the plates are firing, you will work in the Photo Studio to learn the basics of light drawing, using long-exposure techniques to explore the transformative power of light and photography. Then, you will return to the Ceramics studio to unload your plates from the Raku kiln. Wear long pants and closed-toed shoes. All materials will be provided.

2. Concept Think Tank | Joshua Ege
ART 206 Limit: 10

Participate in exercises that allow you to practice quickly generating concepts, problem-solving, and creating prototypes. All materials will be provided.

12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Lunch
Pizza and refreshments in the Main Art Building, Room 111.

1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Afternoon Workshops
3. Cyanotype | Chad Smith and John Kleineberg
WTFA 213 Limit: 10

This workshop will teach you the basics of the cyanotype process, using the sun as our UV light source. The focus is on creating cyanotypes with paper and found objects, and simple film positives and negatives. All materials will be provided.
4. Cold Cast Bronze Clothespins | Josephine Durkin
Sculpture 119 Limit: 10

Participants learn to use rubber molds, resin, pigments and real, ground, bronze powder to create bronze, "cold cast" clothespins. This technique is an alternative to using traditional foundry methods for making cast, metal sculptures. All materials will be provided.

3:00 - 3:30 p.m. Main Art Building, Room 111

Department of Art
P.O. Box 3011, Commerce, TX 75429-3011
Phone (903) 886-5208
Fax (903) 886-5987

