All-State Summer Choir Camp Registration

The purpose of the Prairie View A&M University All-State Summer Choir Camp is to cultivate students’ inner creativity and expand their artistic ability. We will accomplish this through one-on-one vocal coaching, sectional and large ensemble rehearsals, special topic sessions aimed to increase students’ individual musicianship skills, and audition strategies for All-State and collegiate music programs. Additionally, students will work closely with our world-class faculty, and current students within the Department of Music and Theatre. Our camp will center on the following four tenets:

1. Independent musicianship ¬– students will engage in rigorous instruction in music theory, aural skills, and introductory piano.

2. Vocal technique and diction – students will work with vocal faculty to improve their vocal technique, vocal health, and understanding of diction.

3. Audition preparation and execution – students will receive strategies to enhance their audition preparation skills and execution. Students will also participate mock auditions throughout the week.

4. Performance preparation and execution – students will engage in various rehearsals throughout the week to prepare for the finale concert.

Program dates: July 8-11 (7:00am- 5:00pm)
Ages: 13-18

Prices range from $0.00 to $125.00 (price depends on options selected)