Panther STEM Residential High School Career Explorations Camp

Prairie View A&M University Enrollment Services – Strategic Partnerships and K-12 Outreach Program offers exciting summer camps for students of all ages! or our Kindergarten – eighth grade campers we will offer 6 day camps and for the high school students we will have a Panther STEM Residential Career Exploration Camp.

The Panther STEM Residential High School Career Explorations Camp is an overnight camp available for high school students in grades 9th-12th. Participants can expect a fun and busy week as STEM career options open up before them. STEM Career campers will experience dorm life by living in the University College and enjoying meals in the Memorial Student Center Cafeteria. Campers will have the opportunity to interact with professionals and students in many STEM fields throughout the day, including informally at meals. Evening activity choices include visits to the library, bowling, ballroom dancing, movie night and indoor and outdoor recreational activities.

Who should apply? If you can answer yes to any of these questions, Panther STEM Career Explorations is for you!

Are you a high school student curious about STEM career possibilities and interested in exploring some of them?

Do you like math or science but have no idea what you could do for a career?

Are your parents telling you to become an engineer because they make good money, but you don't know what an engineer does?

Do you dream of becoming a nurse, physical therapist or doctor?

Do you wonder what other health careers there are behind the scenes at a hospital?

Please register by logging into: or Contact Dr. Talitha Lewis, Director at for additional information.

Please Note: The registration fee is per participant per week.

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