2024 LGBT Plus College Conference Patron Sponsorship

As a friend, supporter, and ally we need your help to continue our efforts to provide a forum for open and honest dialogue on issues that not only impact the LGBTQ+ community, but are essential to fostering the policies and practices that make enterprises and communities more inviting and inclusive.

By becoming a Patron of the 2024 LGBT Plus College Conference, you take an important role in the continued presentation of this ground breaking event, now in its eleventh year. Your patron support will help us present a high quality and high impact event that is free for anyone to attend live or online from anywhere in the world. Conference details are available here: https://w1.mtsu.edu/mtlambda/LGBTplusCC.php

MTSU Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tax ID #62-0695507 – Sales tax exempt.
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