Hamper McBee - Cumberland Moonshiner

“The[se] recordings offer an intriguing window into Hamper McBee’s earlier life, before he had the mustache. Overall, they remind me that Hamper was a character first and a singer second. But he sure was a good singer, with a resonant, growling baritone and natural instincts.” - Robert Cogswell, Nashville 2010 (From the Liner Notes) This record, originally released as a Prestige Folklore LP in 1964, features a great traditional ballad singer early in his career, moonshiner Hamper McBee of Altamont, Tennessee. Ably accompanied by multi-instrumentalist Guy Carawan, Hamper offers traditional ballads, modern folk songs, and original tunes and memories of the moonshine trade. Don’t miss this chance to become acquainted with a great singer, early in his career, full of life and energy.

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